Saturday, April 5, 2014

I am a dirty filthy liar. Oh also kittens. Or the lack thereof.

So I said I was gonna go do Django, but turns out I lied. Was busy writing up some classes for a certain payment gateway which doesn't readily have stuff I could reuse, and I had to go through like a 400 page document. Got a bit annoyed so decided to go do work on an internal project in my free time. Did I use Django? Noooooooope. You should already know this based on the topic title.

I am still using python for the desktop app though, but the management system and web service, I decided, on a whim, to go with Node.js, which I don't know squat about. Things I also didn't know squat about 6 hours ago that I now know squat about include the Express framework, MongoDB, and the Jade template engine.

I'm a newb so don't mind the code.
I like how it's pretty quick to get up and running, as well as the number of available modules for things you can't be arsed to do. Not too sure yet how it'd fare for bigger projects (will need to do some research), but for small-medium stuff, I think this might take the place of PHP(ugh) for me. Like a great man once said,
"php is essentially a string concatenation technology and is fantastic at what is does. object orientation is a completely different paradigm that pretty much would requires that we delete your last 2 years experience. truly awful code is produced when the 2 methods are combined"

Pardon the typos. And that may not exactly be entirely accurate. But you get what he's going for.

Overall I'd say it was a pretty fun and productive night.

Also quite a depressing day because now we are down to one kitten from three. A little backstory is that a couple of weeks back (3-4), me and fatboy Richy spent like an hour looking for some kittens in the drainage system outside the office because the incessant meows emanating from said drainage system at 2 in the morning was getting in the way of my conscience.

So we ended up with 3 kittens, like a 4-6 weeks old by my guess. Sort of like the office mascots or something, certainly a good stress reliever for the guys at work. Went and got them dewormed, and was planning to get them shots then spaying/neutering but then one of them died. Pus in the stomach due to organ failure in the liver/kidney according to the vet. So that was sad, and that was only like 2 weeks ago.

Fast forward to yesterday morning when fatboy Richy wakes me up at 4.45 in the morning, tears streaming down his fatboy Richy face about how one of the kittens was missing. Turns out it was my favorite one. Upon further investigation, it turns out that the shuttle service dude of the other office upstairs ran over the kitten. You could see traces of fur, blood, and innards from the parking area to the gate, so like, fuck that guy.

So now it's just Beyonce left. Fatboy Richy renamed the last kitten to Beyonce because he's a survivor. But for how long? Guess I'll see if I can fence off the little fellow somewhere, at least on nights.

Kittehs tearing up mah bike
Well here's to you kittehs. Seriously been in a down mood since I found out yesterday. And I don't even like cats. Mainly because I had to live in my aunt's house for like a year and she's a crazy cat lady with like 15-20 cats living up on the rafters of the room I was staying in, who didn't get spayed or neutered. So like mating season was just fucking annoying, but not as annoying as when they decide to just poop or pee up there and piss is dripping down the walls, but even that's not as annoying as when they decide to go die up there and my aunt refuses to take out the ceiling because it's the ancestral home blah blah blah so it just ends up smelling of dead cat for like a month or two. Oh and the flies and maggots were always fun to boot.

Hope you live long enough to become that which I'm not too fond of Beyonce.