Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Painting your bike's suspension fork, day two.

Day two is pretty simple. I'd just edit the previous post, but I want to appear more prolific than I was in previous years. Which is pretty easy to do considering I've one done a single post per year until now. That's right, times are changing and I'm getting with the times and all that.

So step two is after you've had your primer all nice and dry, you sand it lightly with 600 grit sandpaper, just to give the smooth beautiful surface an ugly rough texture to mar its beauty and allow the paint to stick to the lower legs.

Now wipe the legs clean and dry. It's time to paint.

Just spray in a sweeping motion from about 4-6 inches away. Just do light coats, don't spray it too thick. 5-6 light coats of paint should be fine, but do make sure you wait the appropriate amount of time for the paint to dry in between coats. Your spray can will tell you how long this is. Unless it's foreign. Then I guess you'll have to enroll in a foreign language class to learn just how long you have to wait.

Oh right here's a pic:

Now isn't that nice and sexy, and restrained so that it doesn't catch the attention of most people (why I painted it black in the first place)?

All that's left is to let it dry overnight and apply three coats of clear coat, but I'm saving that for tomorrow... so I guess I shouldn't have told you that damn!

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