Thursday, March 27, 2014

What's the point of making your profile private on social networking sites?

While clearing the 6k+(!!) spam in my main gmail account's inbox I ran across this old blog. I had sworn I'd do something funny and post one stupid update a year but failed even that. Ah well. Anyway this post below has been sitting in my drafts since 2008. I love going through all the shit I've written up but haven't bothered publishing just too see what feckless trite I used to write. Though admittedly, this isn't much more different than what I write these days. Or think since I barely write anymore.

I don't even know who C_monyet is, or what the original topic was about. GameFAQs LUE is pretty lame now. Everybody just grew up I suppose. It's been a good what? 12? 15? years. 

C_monyet over at GameFAQs has pointed the above out, and really I must agree. Making your profile private isn't helping the social networking community, in fact it's damaging it.

Allowing users to make their profiles available only to people that they know on a personal level is just plain stupid. Take Friendster, which Chiquito (not monyet's real name but I'm using it since I like it) stated in his topic.

All I can say about it is that for a service which caters to cyber stalkers, it's not very conducive for cyber stalking. I mean if I want to know where some girl lives, I should be able to find out with a quick look without having to go through various hoops like creating a fake online identity, posing as someone looking for online friends, and trying for years to get into her inner circle.

Ah, but I suppose the internet has spoiled me. Ever since it came to be, people have been taking it for granted. No more digging through a girl's garbage just to find out what kind of food she likes. You just go online and take a look.

No more breaking into her house and checking up on what books she likes.

No more rummaging through her underwear drawer to find out what kind of underwear she likes.

No more providing her BFF (who is probably not attractive) with various sexual favors in return for information against your would be rivals. God I miss licking her toes.

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